How a Care Management Software Automates Invoicing

Invoicing is extremely important to any business. Doing it properly and efficiently can help run a business smoothly, avoid problems with clients and ensure cash flow! But it is a time-consuming task and you can easily run into problems. How long would it take you to invoice 30 clients every week? You'd need to create the invoice, double-check everything, and then email or post it to the appropriate clients. This might eat up a significant portion of an office employee's day! There are several drawbacks to adopting a manual invoice system, including:

  • Errors are high & common
  • Invoices can easily be missed and not paid
  • Following up can take time
  • Recording the payment, the date, the time, and the amount is a long process

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an easy solution? Well, we have good news for you. There is! It’s Called Careberry!


Creating Invoices for Care Visits: With Careberry’s Accounting feature, all invoices are automatically generated as soon as the rota is inputted! This also ensures that if any adjustments are made to the rota, such as extending a visit by one hour, they are instantly reflected in the invoice!


You can easily send out invoices with just one click! Export invoices to a PDF or a simplified PDF that can be packed into an envelope and sent directly in the post. No cover letter is needed! You can also email multiple out directly from the system! 


Overdue Reminders: As soon as an invoice is past its due date, admins will instantly receive an overdue notification to ensure you are always on top of your payments. You can also send clients reminders to ensure that payments are followed up on and made on time. All of these features plus so much more can help you save a significant amount of time each week, allowing you to focus on what really matters: caring for your customers!


Exporting Data to Sage: We have launched a brand new feature that allows you to export your invoices to Sage in under 30 seconds! You can simply download a CSV file of a set of invoices and upload them to Sage as quick entries. Other accounting software, such as QuickBooks, Xero, and others, will be supported in near future!


Our mission is to offer a care management platform that incorporates the needs of all care providers needs, including the hassle of invoicing!

Written By
Ben Howard
May 24, 2022