Introducing: Form Builder

We are excited to share with you the newest feature of our all-in-one care management software. We're putting even more power into Care Provider’s hands. Introducing Form Builder: Careberry's latest feature!


As part of our ethos, Careberry strives to reduce paper and increase auditability as well as help businesses across the care industry reduce their carbon footprint. A shift from traditional paper systems to an all-in-one, comprehensive digital solution would pave the way for a far more sustainable, future-proof industry. The solution to that problem is Careberry.


It's always been our vision to give Care Providers the ability to create their own custom forms, no matter how simple or complicated. With the use of our intuitive form builder, Care Providers can create forms within seconds. Simple doesn't mean limited, however, its simplicity is what makes our form builder so powerful. Care Providers can build forms that are suitable for all of their needs such as Spot Checks, Observations, Advanced Risk Assessments, and more!

October 30, 2024